
Strategically Transforming Your Helpdesk: Channel Automation and Proactive Workforce Management

June 27, 2024



For your contact center to be considered excellent in today’s interconnected, digital world, mere efficiency is no longer enough; you have to be strategically brilliant. For many contact centers, this means transforming their helpdesk by embracing the power of innovation.

This blog explores two pivotal themes that define this journey: channel automation and proactive workforce management. These are the pillars for optimizing operational workflows and creating unparalleled customer experiences. 

Channel Automation in Contact Centers: Transforming Customer Experiences

In case you’re unfamiliar with it, channel automation integrates technology and processes to streamline customer interactions across various channels. It automates tasks like inquiry routing and responding to your customers’ most commonly asked questions, which reduces your agents’ manual effort and enhances your contact center’s efficiency.

Today’s customers expect seamless experiences across every single channel, whether it is voice, chat, email, or social media. Channel automation ensures consistent and personalized interactions and helps optimize resource allocation, minimize response times, and elevate service quality.

Beyond streamlining workflows, channel automation is about precisely meeting SLAs. It involves intelligent prioritization and real-time monitoring to uphold commitments, ensuring operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

The Benefits of Channel Automation

Improved Efficiency: 

Channel automation streamlines processes across voice, chat, email, social media, and mobile apps, reducing handling times and enabling agents to focus on complex issues. This efficiency translates into meeting or exceeding Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and maintaining high service standards.

Faster Response Times: 

Automation enables immediate routing of inquiries to the most appropriate agent or AI-powered chatbot, leading to quicker resolutions for customer queries and issues. This swift response time is crucial for enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Customer Experiences: 

Channel automation utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) and predictive analytics to understand customer inquiries, anticipate their needs, and provide personalized interactions. This contributes significantly to SLAs in response quality and resolution times, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Optimized Resource Allocation:

Automation optimizes resource utilization by intelligently distributing workloads based on agent skills and availability. Real-time monitoring and reporting features enable contact center managers to track key metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions, ensuring efficient resource allocation and meeting SLAs regarding agent productivity.

Data-Driven Insights:

Channel automation integrates seamlessly with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, providing agents with comprehensive customer profiles, historical interactions, and personalized recommendations. This integration enhances customer engagement, satisfaction, and meeting SLAs related to personalized service delivery.

Self-Service Options and Compliance: 

Automation offers self-service options such as IVR systems, knowledge bases, and automated ticketing, empowering customers and reducing agent workload. Compliance and security measures ensure data privacy, regulatory adherence, and the secure handling of customer information, contributing to meeting SLAs in data protection and service quality.

Proactive Strategies for Optimal Workforce Management

Our second pivotal theme on our journey to strategic helpdesk transformation is proactive workforce management. This discipline involves adopting strategies that anticipate and address staffing needs and customer demands in advance. 

Below are a few key aspects of workforce management:

Predictive Scheduling: 

It utilizes historical data and forecasting algorithms to predict call volumes and schedule agents accordingly, ensuring optimal coverage during peak times and minimizing overstaffing or understaffing.

Skill-Based Routing: 

This helps route incoming inquiries to agents based on their skills and expertise, ensuring customers are connected to the most qualified agents, leading to quicker issue resolution and improved customer satisfaction.

Real-Time Monitoring: 

Monitors agent performance, call queues, and service levels in real time, allowing managers to make immediate adjustments, allocate resources effectively, and maintain service quality standards.

Advantages of Proactive Workforce Management

Implementing proactive workforce management strategies offers several advantages:

Optimized Resource Allocation: 

Proactive workforce management ensures adherence to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) by accurately predicting demand and aligning staffing levels accordingly. This optimization minimizes idle time, maximizes agent utilization, and improves operational efficiency.

Reduced Wait Times and Improved First-Contact Resolution: 

Through skill-based routing and predictive scheduling, proactive workforce management significantly reduces customer wait times. This leads to faster issue resolution, higher first-contact resolution rates, and improved CSAT scores.

Increased Agent Productivity and Performance: 

Real-time monitoring enables managers to identify performance gaps, provide targeted coaching, and ensure agents meet SLA standards for productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction. This proactive approach enhances agent performance and your customers’ experience.

Integrating Channel Automation and Workforce Management

Integrating channel automation with proactive workforce management creates a synergistic effect that significantly enhances your contact center’s efficiency and effectiveness. This integration brings together automated processes and optimized resource allocation strategies, resulting in a range of benefits:

Streamlined Workflows: 

The integration ensures seamless coordination between automated tasks, such as routing inquiries and gathering customer data, and workforce management strategies like scheduling and task assignment. This streamlined workflow reduces redundancy, eliminates manual handoffs, and enhances process efficiency.

Real-Time Decision-Making: 

Contact centers gain real-time insights into customer interactions, agent performance, and service levels by combining channel automation and workforce management data. This data-driven approach enables quick and informed decision-making, allowing for dynamic adjustments to staffing levels, task assignments, and customer interactions as per changing demand patterns.

Optimized Resource Allocation:

Integrating channel automation with workforce management enables contact centers to optimize resource allocation based on real-time data and predictive analytics. This includes dynamically allocating agents based on workload, skill sets, and customer needs, ensuring optimal resource utilization, and minimizing idle time and overstaffing.

Improved Service Quality:

Proactive workforce management, supported by channel automation, leads to a marked improvement in service quality. Agents are equipped with the right tools, information, and context from channel automation systems, enabling them to deliver personalized and efficient customer experiences. This results in higher first-contact resolution rates, reduced handling times, and increased customer satisfaction scores.

Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility:

This integrated approach also enhances the scalability and flexibility of your operations. Contact centers can easily scale resources up or down based on fluctuations in demand, deploy automated workflows for routine tasks, and adapt quickly to changing customer needs or market conditions.

Challenges and Solutions in Helpdesk Transformations

There are numerous challenges a contact center might face when strategically transforming its helpdesk. Some of the most common challenges include:

Data Silos: 

Disparate data sources and systems lead to data silos. These siloes hinder the seamless flow of information, making it difficult for contact center agents and leaders to gain a unified view of customer interactions and trends.

Training Requirements: 

Training employees on new technologies, processes, and strategies can be time-consuming and challenging, especially in large contact centers with diverse skill sets.

Technology Limitations: 

Existing technology may have limitations in scalability, integration capabilities, or compatibility with new systems, impacting the effectiveness of helpdesk transformations.

To overcome these challenges and ensure that you can successfully transform your helpdesk, consider adopting the following solutions and best practices:

Unify and Integrate your Data: 

Implementing a centralized data platform or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps break down data silos, providing a unified view of customer interactions and enabling data-driven decision-making.

Comprehensive Training Programs: 

Develop comprehensive training programs that cover new technologies and best practices, workflows, and customer-centric strategies. Continuous learning and upskilling are crucial for employees to effectively adapt to new systems and processes.

Adaptable Technologies: 

Choose adaptable and scalable technologies that can integrate seamlessly with existing systems, support future growth, and offer flexibility in terms of customization and configuration. Cloud-based solutions will most often provide scalability and integration capabilities required for modern helpdesk transformations.

Change Management Strategies:

Implement robust change management strategies to communicate the benefits of helpdesk transformations, address employee concerns, and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Collaborative Work Environments: 

Foster collaborative work environments where cross-functional teams can collaborate effectively, share knowledge, and align efforts towards common goals. This promotes agility, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities within the helpdesk operations.

By proactively addressing these challenges with industry best practices and solutions, contact centers can navigate the complexities of helpdesk transformations and improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

The Tangible Benefits and ROI of Transforming Your Helpdesk

Strategically Transforming your helpdesk yields a range of tangible benefits that positively impact contact center performance and customer experiences:

Cost Savings: 

Implementing efficient workflows, automation, and optimized resource allocation leads to significant cost savings by reducing operational overheads, minimizing idle time, and streamlining processes.

Improved Customer Satisfaction Scores: 

Enhanced service quality, personalized interactions, and faster issue resolution contribute to higher customer satisfaction scores, leading to increased loyalty and positive brand perception.

Higher Agent Retention Rates: 

Empowering agents with the right tools, training, and support improves job satisfaction, reduces burnout, and increases agent retention rates, fostering a motivated and engaged workforce.

Measuring the ROI of your helpdesk transformation involves several key methods and metrics:

Cost-Benefit Analysis: 

Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to quantify the financial impact of helpdesk transformations, including cost savings, revenue increases, and avoided costs.

Customer Satisfaction Metrics: 

Track customer satisfaction metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) to assess the impact of transformations on customer experiences and loyalty.

Agent Performance Metrics: 

Monitor agent performance metrics like Average Handling Time (AHT), First-Contact Resolution (FCR) rates, and agent satisfaction scores to gauge the effectiveness of transformations in improving agent productivity and satisfaction.

Operational Efficiency Metrics: 

Measure operational efficiency metrics such as call volume trends, response times, and workload distribution to evaluate the operational impact of helpdesk transformations.

Also Read: Strategies for Handling Peak Call Volumes and Seasonality with Service Cloud Voice

Stakeholder Reporting: 

Prepare comprehensive reports and presentations showcasing ROI calculations, key performance metrics, and qualitative feedback from stakeholders, highlighting the value and benefits of helpdesk transformations.

By employing these methods and metrics, contact centers can effectively measure ROI, demonstrate the value of helpdesk transformations to stakeholders, and make data-driven decisions to drive continuous improvement and innovation.

Case Study: Strategic Helpdesk Transformation through Channel Automation and Proactive Workforce Management

A noteworthy example of successful contact center transformation comes from a case study by Verint, where a multinational financial services company significantly improved its global operations. This transformation was driven by automating customer engagement channels and implementing proactive workforce management strategies using Verint Solutions.

The company used Verint Engagement Orchestration™ to centralize and simplify multi-channel customer interactions, including voice, chat, and email. Verint Knowledge Management™ provided accurate answers to agents in real time, improving agent efficiency and reducing average handle time (AHT) by over 60%, from 1,200 to 450 seconds.

Verint Workforce Management™ empowered the company to plan and schedule resources globally, ensuring adequate staffing levels to meet customer needs at all times. This proactive approach supported their commitment to maintaining a 20-second average speed to answer and an under 2% abandon rate. Verint Automated Quality Management™ evaluated 100% of customer calls, providing in-depth data to guide agent training and improve quality scores. As a result, the company achieved a 10% increase in quality scores.

Moreover, Verint Speech Analytics™ and Verint Text Analytics™ offered insights into customer needs and issues, helping the company refine its processes and increase customer satisfaction by 10 points. Additionally, Verint's solutions enabled an 85% reduction in agent training time, allowing faster onboarding and helping new agents become productive much more quickly.

In Conclusion

Transforming your helpdesk through channel automation and proactive workforce management is more than just an operational upgrade; it's a strategic leap forward, allowing you to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive sustainable growth. 

With solutions like SPAR's Universal Omnichannel WFM Adapter, which seamlessly integrates with all of your service desk applications, capturing data from any channel, including email, chat, fax, SMS, CRM case backlogs, and custom applications, this transformation becomes even easier to realize.

The adapter efficiently handles both traditional and previously unmonitored non-call data types, ensuring accurate and secure data utilization for forecasting and reporting. By pulling essential metrics such as queue management, handle times, SLAs, adherence, and queue volume, it enhances your performance tracking and skills-based scheduling. Operating independently of your CRM, it prevents disruptions to existing workflows while improving data accuracy and utility.

This allows you to leverage the full power of the Verint WFM platform to optimize resource allocation across peak times, holidays, and regular hours, facilitating on-time service delivery and enabling your team to excel in providing exceptional customer experiences.

It’s time to reimagine the contact center as a hub of innovation, where customer interactions are personalized, agents are empowered, and operational excellence becomes the standard.

Are you ready to transform your helpdesk?

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